Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Being Thankful

The holidays are upon us and a time of reflection always occurs this time of year.

I am particularly thankful for the clients (who I can now call my friends) that I have had this year.  God has truly blessed me with wonderful people in my life.

As we sit down with family and friends, please remember those that may not have the blessings that we have.  There are many people that are lonely that may not have friends and family to spend holidays with.

As a child growing up in the military, we were always hundreds of miles from relatives.  Therefore, our holidays always included single service men and women that had no where to go for the holidays.  Our holidays were filled with many people laughing, eating and sharing.  (thank you, mom and dad for those memories)

As we approach the holiday season, do you know someone that may enjoy your company, home and yummies?  Invite them.  Start a new tradition.

May you and your family have a wonderful Holiday!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Questions about home financing? Here's a radio program just for you!

I sat down with Neil Gilles of Mortgage Masters in Evansville to talk about financing.  If you had questions about financing your home, take a few minutes and listen to the program.  Hopefully, your questions will be answered!