Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This Rookie has a radio program!!

I work with 90% of buyers.  It's not what I had intended to do, it's just been what I have been blessed with doing.  Because I work with buyers, I receive a LOT of questions about the industry.
I now have my own radio talk show on WVHI AM 1330 !!
I talk Real Estate.  Have questions?  Please feel free to email me or call me and ask them.  I will find someone to come on the show and talk about the questions that you have!!

This program will be aired on WVHI on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:00-4:15 pm.

This particular program was with Accurate Inspections.  We discuss the importance of having home inspections, what you can expect and what an inspector looks for. (click the link below)

I hope find it entertaining and informative!  #radiotalk #realestate #home #inspection #evansvilleindiana #realtorinevansville
