My rant for the day: I just got a call from one of my former clients (have I mentioned lately how much I love my peeps?) She was in tears because one of her "lovely" new neighbors left her a not so nice letter (anonymous of course) about her unkept lawn.
I was just thinking about this the other day as I was listening to someone complain about their neighbor's yard (different neighborhood).
Here is my rant......before you judge someone, have you considered where they are coming from?
The neighbor that you are complaining about may be a single mother working two jobs to provide her kiddos a home over their heads. She also might be single because her low life of a husband walked out on her for some skank he met on the internet. Maybe the only time she may have to mow her grass is late, late, late in the evening. Maybe she can't afford to actually pay someone to mow it.
OR....maybe that neighbor you are judging so harshly is an elderly person that can barely make it to the front door, much less to mow the lawn. Maybe they are living on a fixed income and have so many medical bills they don't know how they are going to keep the lights on, much less pay someone to mow the grass for them.
Jesus said to love our neighbors. Is loving your neighbor putting a nasty letter in his/her mailbox for them to find?
Loving your neighbor is getting out and finding out what their needs are. If you can't mow their grass, pay for someone to do it for them. Then, leave a nice anonymous note in their mailbox that you wanted to bless them with a nice lawn.